Sunday, July 21, 2024

Shingkhar: The Tale of the Wish-Fulfilling Buddha Statue

This is a Wish-fulfilling Buddha
Statue at Shingkhar. 
Photo credit: Lekden Wangchuk.
Since this is a sacred statue, please treat
it with respect. 

Our discipline master (Kudrung) said, “Please tell us about the upper floor of this monastery.” The monastic guide or caretaker, who was about to conclude, replied, “Oh! Actually, the upper floor has a wish-fulfilling statue of Buddha Shakyamuni; there is nothing else of significant importance. Trulku Chogdhen Gonpo sculpted three statues of the same size, representing the dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya: Buddha, Vajrasattva, and Guru Padmasambhava. He gave the other two to Sumthrang and Gadhen, respectively. Since the food is served by housewives, it is said that they were taught some lines to offer food and tea to receive blessings.

Wish-fulfilling Guru
Statue of Gadhen
Source: Druk Gi Nye,
Facebook Page

“Although this statue has gained fame everywhere, the other two have not received as much attention. This is a statue of Buddha Shakyamuni, and I have no doubt about the blessings it will bestow upon every being. I doubt if there is another way to accumulate merits than offering to Buddha. But this is a special statue.

“You are devotees of a highly revered Lama, so I should not be saying these kinds of words. The blessings of a Buddha are definite, and monks are aware of this. I will share one wish-fulfilling story among many:

"There was a man from Paro who came here to collect taxes from the people under the command of Desi. During that time, our local folks told him to make a wish in front of the wish-fulfilling statue. He said he had a dream of becoming a Paro Poenlop and promised that if his wish were granted, the people of Shingkhar would be waived from paying taxes, and their monastery would receive a Sertog. The villagers became happy and prayed together in front of the statue.     After being appointed as the Poenlop, he called men from Shingkhar and treated them to sumptuous meals. As promised, he sent the Sertog and wrote an order to waive taxes until his resignation. It used to take at least 13 days to reach Paro from here, so the Poenlop kindly sent them back with enough food and drinks for their journey. We still have the old Sertog, though it is worn out now.

"During those days, when people had to go through tough times, our village enjoyed privileges due to this statue. People became more devoted, and it is not surprising that whoever dies from our village is reborn here.

“Since my childhood, I've hardly seen genuine Dharma practitioners in this village. You might see someone wearing a religious outfit, but they did all kinds of household chores, like plowing fields. It was never about achieving enlightenment, but when they die, if a father dies in that house, he is born somewhere here and starts to recollect his past: 'I have this many cattle—such is my mother’s name—such is my father's name,' and so on.

"Isn't it funny that while Rinpoches are often unable to recollect their past lives, here in our village, common people can do so?” he laughed again.

“Our present Tshogpa was a cow herder in his past life. By the time he started speaking, he recollected the number of cattle, recognized each of them, and walked all the old routes on his own. It is like a spontaneous birth.

“I found it hard to believe and had to ask the late Dasho Shingkhar Lama for an explanation. Genuine practitioners find it hard to reach their past places, yet here, even common people can clearly recollect their past lives. Lama told me about the sacredness of the statue and why we must seek refuge in it.

"That’s all. Some of you might have come from far places to Kharchu. Although I'm a layman, we’re Dharma friends. If you count, there will be very few who have not received transmission from Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche. We are vajra brothers!”

After applauding him, we dispersed.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Jaboema and the Legacy of Shingkhar Rabney

Picture: Druk Ge Nye,
In this place Kunkhyen
Longchen spent most of the
time meditating. 

Jaboema grew up to become a young and handsome man. For us, it is acceptable to receive teachings from any lama. He was a lineage holder in the Nyingma tradition and had to pass that on to the next generation, so he was waiting for a suitable teacher. Fortunately, at that time, the great Terton Pema Lingpa was residing in Tang. Jaboema received teachings from him, considered him his teacher, and became a qualified master.

"Later, Pema Lingpa was received on the 15th day of the 11th Bhutanese month to consecrate (Rabney) a small temple built in this place. Today, we have the annual Shingkhar Rabney, performed with various sacred mask dances, which began the year Pema Lingpa visited. It is one of the coldest seasons," he said, as I felt the flat stone beneath my foot. “The iron hanging there is all handmade by Pema Lingpa,” he pointed at the small-sized door that leads to Rahula Phodrang.

As per my research, their annul event is celebrated from the 21st day of the 11th month of the Bhutanese calendar. I am not sure if there is anything to clarify.

“That’s all. Actually, it can be lengthy, but I've kept it brief.” He gently finished the precious story and summed up a few points in the following lines: “I have come across many new people. They say the moment they come from Tonglayla, especially at this time, they feel extremely happy. Even some lamas from Tibet told me that there’s no other place to describe paradise; this is the real one. But I think paradise is a different world. Here, in this world, it is like a prison that binds us in this samsara.” He chuckled, “That’s it.”

To be continued....

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Story of Kunkhyen Rinpoche and His Heirs

Front view of the monastery 

He continued narrating eloquently, "Kunkhyen Rinpoche wanted to preserve certain prophecies and nangtens (sacred religious items) for future purposes. This made Za concerned, and he said, 'Lord, in the distant future, people will show less interest in religious activities. They will not care about precious dharma items, and even scriptures will be read by few. Please keep blessings to overcome all of these.' Kunkhyen replied, 'There will come a Lama who will fulfill all that I have said.'

"Later, Kunkhyen's grandson came from Tharpaling to beg for alms. By destiny, he stayed behind one night, met a woman, and shared a moment of intimacy. From them, great grandson Tsezang Thaye Drakpa was born.

"Tsezang might have been born to an aristocratic Lama’s family, but he didn’t wear red; instead, he wore white clothes. Nevertheless, he fulfilled the prophecy: people began to settle here, and a small monastery was built. In those days, and even today, we hardly grow crops here. Therefore, the Lama and some villagers had to go to Kurtoe to beg for various grains. We still find the route, Mem Tsezang Lam, named after him; the path is so steep and scary. That's how they traded.

"Later, the Lama married and had an eldest son, Jaboema."

To be continued.....

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Friday, July 12, 2024

Voices of the Divine: The Mystery of the Bird Proclaiming Kunkhyen Chhoeje

Shingkharpa's front view
from their village.

"Kunkhyen Rinpoche kept a word of prophecies for future purposes. There are many other stories, but they would be lengthy. This place was once a small grassland. Kunkhyen spoke like a lion’s roar, ‘People will settle here, a monastery will be built, and the time will come when a bird will proclaim Kunkhyen Chhoeje. This will be the time to act upon righteous deeds, bringing benefits to fellow beings. If you do as I say, there’s no need to practice other dharma; this is enough. You will be born in the heavenly realm. If you harm others, you will be born in the vajra hell. There’s no other way,'

"I think this is true. I am between fifty and sixty, whereas this temple has been here for hundreds of years. In those years, there wasn’t space to walk around the monastery or circumambulate; every space belonged to other people. It was during our time when Shingkhar Lama requested the private landowners and completed the formalities of land transactions in the name of the monastery. Then the Kora began for the first time at this place, hardly thirty years ago.

"Now, people are saying that they hear Kunkhyen Chhoeje being spoken by a bird. I couldn’t believe it when they said it, and outsiders like you won’t either,” he burst into laughter. “I never thought birds would make such a noise until I heard it while strolling above the male and female stream. I was skeptical, but it is true what Kunkhyen prophesied,"

He pondered, “I could not be of any benefit, but when I heard such, the thought ran through my mind—I’ve taken a step toward accumulating religious merits," Those words from an old man were a hair-raising moment. I would have wiped a tear if I had been alone in that room.

"Later, Lama tried recording the sound on a mobile, but surprisingly, it automatically gets erased from the phone. It doesn’t last even a year,”

To be continued.....

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Za Rahula’s Drubchu

Monks Enjoying Porridge in the Early Morning.

"Compared to many other villages, our village has plenty of water. If you go towards the east, you'll find stream after stream, but there was not a single source that was worth offering to Kunkhyen. Za once again approached Kunkhyen and said, 'If YOU stay here forever, I have no say. If YOU leave tomorrow, I have no say. After all, it is YOUR destiny. As long as YOU stay, I'll serve YOU at any cost, no matter what.' He continued, 'But there are no clean water sources to offer YOU, Lama.'

"With his clairvoyance, Kunkhyen described a water source to Za: 'There's a male and female stream, black and white, meeting at the end of the grassland. That is drinkable. Bring that to me.' Za fetched the water and served his teacher, but only for a short time. Since he had to walk a long distance, he requested Kunkhyen if there was any possibility or destiny for him to find his own water source (Drubchu).

"Kunkhyen said, 'You have fortune, and in the future, your water will bring immense benefit to the village.' Za Rahula’s Drubchu is where you see it today, just a few minutes' walk from the temple. That is about Za Chu, although there are many other stories; I’ll be brief.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Sacred Painting of Za Rahula by Kunkhyen Longchen

On Kunkhyen Longchen's recently unearthed throne, a statue of Kunkhyen Himself is kept. This statue is truly awe-inspiring. I have never seen any other statue of Kunkhyen that matches the charisma of this one. Additionally, buried underneath the throne is Lha-tsho, which I mentioned in my previous post.

An old man cleared his throat and continued, “One day, Za Rahula approached the revered Kunkhyen with a heartfelt concern. Za Rahula said, ‘In the distant future, I won't be visible to the people because I'm a deity. You're a Lama, so everyone will get a chance to see you. Please bless me with a solution.’ In response, Kunkhyen asked Za to bring an unpainted scroll. Using his own blood, Kunkhyen painted a likeness of Za on the scroll.

“Today, many people, especially those in elite society, claim to possess similar painting there of. However, the painting we have is entirely different. This distinction is crucial because, if not handled with care, the painting poses a significant threat to life. Even if you're a Lama, the consequences can be severe, ranging from death to prolonged serious illness. Regardless of one's purity of heart, punishment from Za is inevitable. We clean the place occasionally, but Za spares no one; there is always some kind of sickness or uncomfortable feeling associated with it.

“Kunkhyen bestowed the painting with a prophetic blessing: ‘In the future, this will be a sacred item. Nothing will happen to it; it will not be carried away by water, destroyed by fire, or stolen by thieves.’ Remarkably, this painting remains visible to this day, preserved through generations,"

The deep sense of affection old man has, rooted in his forefathers, is evident in the way he narrates and expresses himself. However, the painting is not accessible to everyone. Entering Rahula’s secret and sacred room is a privilege few can dream of.

To be continued.......

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shingkhar: The Place of Longchen

Shingkhar Za Phodrang.

This is my fourth time visiting Shingkhar, a village at least a two-hour bus ride from Chamkhar. My first visit was in 2010 when one of my friends, who now coordinates occasional events like Kanjur recitation, invited another school staff member and me on an adventure to hunt matsutake—the rarest mushroom species with high medicinal value. Although we couldn't find any, we managed to persuade some local kids to give us some in exchange for cash.

In the evening, as we were about to leave, I vaguely remember my friend pointing out a monastery below his house. He might have tried to tell me about the monastery but didn't explain its significance to his not-so-religious friend. Apart from the mushroom, I knew very little about Shingkhar.

More than a decade later, I once again visited Shingkhar in 2022, but this time as an ordained monk, curious about everything related to the omniscient one. In that same year, more than a hundred monks were invited, for the first time, to Dechenling Monastery to recite Kanjur. 

This year is our second time. As a Buddhist student, I'm gaining new knowledge about the life of Longchenpa, motivating me to explore the places he had been while in Bumthang.

Every time I come here, I listen to wonderful stories that don't linger in my memory for long. So, I decided to take advantage of recording and sharing them in writing with interested people like you.

There is a man in his early sixties, whose bald head shone brightly, reflecting the light like a polished mirror. His poignant narration kept the crowd silent; the audience was so captivated that you could hear a pin drop; not a single person even coughed.

After clearing his throat and initially stammering, he began, “According to our Shingkhar Lam, it was Za Rahula who settled here before Kunkhyen Longchen. Not so long ago, people settled below the current settlement, in the sloped areas. I don't know why people preferred such places in the olden times, but we can still see the evidence even to this day.

“In this very place, there were trees, and in between was a small grassland; it must have been such a lovely sight. Za chose this meadow as his seat. You have to climb down from this door to the underground hole; some of you might have entered with your Rinpoche. Many attendants have come earlier. Just below this statue of Kunkhyen Himself was a Lha-tsho.

“In those days, people were living in complete darkness; they didn't know much about dharma. Za became their ultimate refuge from then on. However, Kunkhyen traveled from Tharpaling and settled at a place above this monastery on a hilltop, where he meditated most of the time. During that period, many people started to get closer to Kunkhyen. They said that the moment they heard and saw him, they felt like offering something, generating pure devotion that never arose earlier.

“When people said they had someone with similar qualities, Kunkhyen decided to visit their place, wondering who that could be. Upon hearing the news and with utmost reverence, Za Rahula wanted to receive Kunkhyen, who is indeed his own teacher, in a grand ceremony, so he prepared a throne and other necessities at a place above this village that has a shape like a throne. Now you cannot see it because a bulldozer has destroyed it; you could say modern development, but we still call the place Zhukthri.

“After Kunkhyen reached here, He saw a lha-tsho where he ordered Rahula to hide it from villagers as it was not something to be shown openly. As ordered, he covered it with a flat stone so that others couldn't see it. On the top flat stone, Rahula made a throne for Kunkhyen to consecrate a small temple. Although we recently unearthed the throne, this is what we heard from a long time back about the ‘lha-tsho beneath the earth.’ Due to long-term, the throne was covered under the earth. Kuenchen sat on the throne and asked people the name of the place, to which they replied, Shingkhar. So He renamed it Shingkhar Dechenling."

To be continued.....

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