Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Sacred Painting of Za Rahula by Kunkhyen Longchen

On Kunkhyen Longchen's recently unearthed throne, a statue of Kunkhyen Himself is kept. This statue is truly awe-inspiring. I have never seen any other statue of Kunkhyen that matches the charisma of this one. Additionally, buried underneath the throne is Lha-tsho, which I mentioned in my previous post.

An old man cleared his throat and continued, “One day, Za Rahula approached the revered Kunkhyen with a heartfelt concern. Za Rahula said, ‘In the distant future, I won't be visible to the people because I'm a deity. You're a Lama, so everyone will get a chance to see you. Please bless me with a solution.’ In response, Kunkhyen asked Za to bring an unpainted scroll. Using his own blood, Kunkhyen painted a likeness of Za on the scroll.

“Today, many people, especially those in elite society, claim to possess similar painting there of. However, the painting we have is entirely different. This distinction is crucial because, if not handled with care, the painting poses a significant threat to life. Even if you're a Lama, the consequences can be severe, ranging from death to prolonged serious illness. Regardless of one's purity of heart, punishment from Za is inevitable. We clean the place occasionally, but Za spares no one; there is always some kind of sickness or uncomfortable feeling associated with it.

“Kunkhyen bestowed the painting with a prophetic blessing: ‘In the future, this will be a sacred item. Nothing will happen to it; it will not be carried away by water, destroyed by fire, or stolen by thieves.’ Remarkably, this painting remains visible to this day, preserved through generations,"

The deep sense of affection old man has, rooted in his forefathers, is evident in the way he narrates and expresses himself. However, the painting is not accessible to everyone. Entering Rahula’s secret and sacred room is a privilege few can dream of.

To be continued.......


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